Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Sims 1 Mega Deluxe Do Pobrania

Balleza Zulay WORKSHOP. Weekend


On Wednesday November 3 morning classes begin the new drawing and painting at the workshop Balleza Vanessa Zulay located in the town of El Hatillo.
For more information call 04143329100, 02126356149 or contact via email vanessa@ballezarte.com.ve

Calle Bella Vista C.C. Majada - Local 2. El Hatillo - Edo. Miranda.


Sobre los objetivos de las clases.

Estimular, despertar la sensibilidad y aptitudes intelectuales, artísticas y creativas de niños, jóvenes, adolescentes y adultos a través del aprendizaje de la técnica del dibujo, ilustración y/o pintura de una manera disciplinada, fácil, entretenida y divertida, tomando en cuenta las necesidades e intereses de each person.

Achieving these studies, can be a tool to supplement the regular studies, provide a basis for further studies or occupations or professions university-based alternative artistic skills.

Duration: Each goal can be achieved with four or five classes with the teacher and the responsibility to do homework. The length of courses depends heavily on the dedication of the students.

About the places and times

El Hatillo - Edo. Miranda.

Location: Bella Vista Street CC Majada - Local 2. Zulay Workshop

Hours: Wednesday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

La Carlota - Edo. Miranda.

Location: Santa Cecilia urbanization (next to the mansion and Rescarven) La Carlota, metro near the two roads.

Hours: Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 pm


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