Thursday, November 25, 2010

Slogans For Dry Clean

truck Cantor Visual Arts Hall of Dycvensa

Premio Ciudadano Dycvensa. El Flautista. Vanessa Balleza Artistas ganadores recibieron un total de 32 mil bolívares Néstor García >Este domingo, en la Sala RG del Celarg, se llevó a cabo la premiación del VIII Salón Dycvensa Visual Arts, a construction company that distributed a total of 32 000 Bs to the most talented artists in the show, which has already been visited by more than three thousand people and extend their stay in the Celarg until Sunday January 16 2011. This year the award for "Best Work of Art", was divided between two artists, Nestor Garcia, "Planimetry a Microcosm" and María Elena Alvarez with his book "Arming the day," which received at the hands of Mauricio engineer Brin, Dycvensa Development Manager, a cash incentive for 9 billion bolivars for everyone. Similarly, the winner for "Best Picture" was Irama Gómez for his image "From yesterday ... tomorrow ... today", an image taken from an alley where you look at the short distance, the reflection of a puddle two cars, the perception is the passage of time in life. Irama Gómez Moreover, the "Dycvensa Citizen Award", awarded by public vote for the best film of the room was for Vanessa Balleza for his painting "The Pied Piper," a book that captivated the audience by its picturesque and colorful vision of a musician followed by adorable children pets, which together evoke a fairy tale, as one facet of the artist is to be an illustrator of children's stories. In total distributed for the winners was 32 000 Bs and the jury charged with the difficult choice was made by Peran Erminy, criticized teachers and Fine Arts, Gilbert Dao, vice president of the Chamber of Construction, Maiskell Sánchez, aerial photographer, Pedro Sanz, Director of Plastic Arts Celarg and Orlando Campos, professor and artist. Dycvensa Hall has become one of the cultural programs in the country for its continuity, level exhibition and incentive to novice and recognized artists in the country, so each year, an increasing number of artists interested in giving his view of the city. Vanessa Ballezza Another purpose of the exhibition is that the winning entries in each room are part of the heritage of the city, which every year organizes Dycvensa grants to entities related to the culture so that the works may be the enjoyment of all Venezuelans in the common areas of Caracas. painters, sculptors and photographers interested in being part of this initiative should send an email to the address: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , indicating your full name, desire for participation, grade, telephone number, address and email. Once such notice is received Prognosis Consultants, organizers of the exhibition, the artist sent the schedule and rules of the Hall. Press and Public Relations Consultants Forecast


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